Task - Execute script
Task - Execute script
This task allows you to run a script.
Execute Script
Contains a description of the task, enter the reason for its existence here.
JSON key: description
Default value: Blank
Enter the input to the script here - see Scripts and Macros for details on how to specify macro content.
The input is available to the script in the input variable.
JSON key: input
Default value: None
Here, you can edit the script to be executed.
JSON key: script
Default: false
Example script:
// Input is set to the response contents var json = JSON.parse(input); json = json[0]; var result = { "name": json.name, "tld": json.topLevelDomain[0], "capital": json.capital, "headers": JSON.parse(state.requestAttributes.get("savedheaders")) } state.requestAttributes.put("result", JSON.stringify(result));
JSON Configuration
Below, is an example JSON configuration.
{ "input": "%{compreq.response:lang_da}", "description": "Extract a few attributes from the response", "class": "io.ceptor.pipeline.tasks.ScriptRunnerTask", "script": "// Input is set to the response contents\nvar json = JSON.parse(input);\n\njson = json[0];\n\nvar result = {\n \"name\": json.name,\n \"tld\": json.topLevelDomain[0],\n \"capital\": json.capital,\n \"headers\": JSON.parse(state.requestAttributes.get(\"savedheaders\"))\n}\n\nstate.requestAttributes.put(\"result\", JSON.stringify(result));" },
, multiple selections available,
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