Config - Sessions
JSON Configuration for Sessions
{ "session": { "cookie.not.for.uri": "*.crl", "resolvers": [ "io.ceptor.session.SessionResolverSSLClientCert", "io.ceptor.session.SessionResolverBearerToken", "io.ceptor.session.SessionResolverDomainRedirect", "io.ceptor.session.SessionResolverCookie" ], "": "*.crl|*.pdf", "http.cookiename": "sessionid", "https.cookiename": "sslsessionid", "cookie.path": "/", "sessionfixation.cookiename": "sslsessionid_sf", "cookie.use.httponly": true, "sessionfixation.addcookie": true, "sessionfixation.defense": true, "cookie.obfuscate": true, "cookie.use.domain": true, "cookie.samesite": "none", "resolve.script": null, "create.script": null, "remove.script": null, "apikey": { "headername": "ceptor-apikey" } } }
Sessions configuration via Ceptor Console
Sessions are stored in the JSON object named session.
The configuration is split into 3 different sections.
Session Configuration
HTTP Session Cookie
Name of session cookie to use for unencrypted HTTP sessions. If the cookie session resolver is installed, and if requests are unencrypted, the session ID will be stored in this cookie.
Default is sessionid
JSON key: http.cookiename
HTTPS Session Cookie
Name of session cookie to use for encrypted HTTPS sessions. For encrypted requests, session IDs will be stored in this cookie,
Default is sslsessionid
JSON key https.cookiename
Cookies are httponly
If set, session cookies are marked as httponly, meaning javascript code is not able to retrieve them.
Default is true
JSON key: cookie.use.httponly
Use domain in cookies
If set, session cookies will be set for the current domain - e.g. for the domain will be set to so the cookies are shared between all hosts of the domain.
Default is true
JSON key: cookie.use.domain
Obfuscate sessionid
If set, Session ID is not sent in the clear, but obfuscated - note that obfuscation makes it larger but slightly more secure.
Default is true
JSON key: cookie.obfuscate
Cookie path
Specifies cookie path on session cookies - in general should be set to as a specific value as possible, but for single-sign on between multiple applications, this is in practice always set to the root "/".
Default is /
JSON key: cookie.path
No Cache-Control for
If URI path matches this pattern, no "Cache-Control: no-cache header" will be added.
Default: *.pdf|*.crl
JSON key:
No cookie for
If URI path matches this pattern, no session cookie will be added. This can be used to create sessions for certain URLs, but not add a session cookie for it. Notice that a better method of allowing some requests to pass through without a session, is to create a location which does not require a session, and handle those URIs there - in that case, no session will be created.
Default: *.crl
JSON key: cookie.not.for.uri
If set to none, lax or scrict, the cookie attribute SameSite=None, SameSite=Strict or SameSite=Lax is added to the session cookies. This enables CSRF/XSRF attack protection - see for details.
Default: blank (as in not selected)
JSON key: cookie.samesite
Session Resolvers
Session resolvers look at the request to determine session ID based upon e.g. a session cookie, bearer token or other types of input.
You can select from these session resolvers by default:
- io.ceptor.session.SessionResolverBearerToken
Allows use of an OAuth2 bearer token in the HTTP request header Authorization. - io.ceptor.session.SessionResolverApiKey
Allows using an API Key contained in an HTTP header, e.g. ceptor-apikey instead of using a session ID to identify the session. - io.ceptor.session.SessionResolverCookie
Supports use of a session cookie. - io.ceptor.session.SessionResolverDomainRedirect
Supports using Domain Redirect URLs (URLs ending with ".domainRedirect") which allows sharing sessions between two or more domains, e.g. and - io.ceptor.session.SessionResolverSSLClientCert
Allows using an SSL client certificate as a "ticket", with no other session ID - if no session currently exists for the incoming client certificate, one will be created and the user will be authenticated assuming the authentication plugin allows access. - io.ceptor.session.SessionResolverSSLClientCertAPIManagement
Allows using an SSL client certificate to authenticate - instead of using the regular Ceptor SSL Client certificate authentication plugin the API Management specific plugin is used, which lookup's certificates in API Partner Application definitions. - io.ceptor.session.SessionResolverScript
Allows implementing a session resolver using Javascript - makes it easy to add custom functionality to the gateway.
More than one session resolver can be active at a time, the order they are configured in decides which order they are executed in - you can change the order they are listed in.
See also Plugins - Session Resolvers
Default: none
JSON key: resolvers
Defense Against Session Fixation Attack
Session fixation is a form of attack where an attacker uses a public computer, captures the session ID, and then leaves the computer for another to authenticate at - when the user authenticates later, if the session id is not changed then the attacker has that session ID available, and he can then take over the authenticated users session.
The gateway can defend against this, by creating another cookie, a so-called session-defense cookie, which is changed at the moment of authentication - for all authenticated request, the value of this cookie is then compared against the expected value, and if they differ the request is considered to be invalid.
It can work in two modes, in the complete, it adds the cookie automatically, by looking at the request when it comes in, and on the way out again - if authenticated anytime in the meantime, e.g. by a login application on a proxied destination server, then the gateway will detect it and automatically add the session defense cookie. It creates a unique ID, stores that in the regular session, and then for all future authenticated requests, it compares the received value against the expected one.
Session Fixation Defense Cookie
Name of session fixation defense cookie to use for encrypted HTTPS sessions.
Session Fixation Attack Defense is only possible on HTTPS connections - unencrypted HTTP connections are never supposed to be a place where users authenticate.
Default: sslsessionid_sf
JSON Key: sessionfixation.cookiename
Defend against session fixation attack
If set, for authenticated sessions which have set pp_sessionfixation in the session, we will check if there is a session fixation cookie with the same value in the request.
Default: true
JSON Key: sessionfixation.defense
Add session fixation defense cookie automatically
If set, a new value is generated and stored in the session, and the cookie will be added automatically when the user is authenticated. Note that unless defense against session fixation is turned on, this cookie has no effect.
Default: true
JSON Key: sessionfixation.addcookie
If SessionResolverApiKey is added as a session resolver
In case a SessionResolverApiKey is added, this setting is used:
HTTP Header name for API key
Can be used to specify the name of the HTTP header to read the API key from.
Default: ceptor-apikey
JSON Key: headername within an apikey JSON object.
Scripts, if SessionResolverScript is added as a session resolver
Note that these scipts are only executed if the SessionResolverScript plugin is added to the list of active session resolvers. See Plugins for examples.
Session resolver script
Script executed to resolve a session.
Default: none
JSON Key: resolve.script
Session creation script
Optional script executed to create a session.
Default: none
JSON Key: create.script
Session removal script
Optional script executed to remove a session ID - e.g. delete a session cookie.
Default: none
JSON Key: remove.script
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