REST Services Properties

REST Services Properties

These REST services have been deprecated and replaced by the newer API here: Ceptor Agent REST API

The Rest services server allows for access to status and statistics information through rest services. These are configured as shown here in the ceptor-configuration.xml

<server name="restservices" type="app" description="RestServices server" extends="applications">
  <group name="general" description="general configuration">
    <property name="sessioncookiename" value="sessionid" description="The name of the session cookie used to login if admin.logintype=sessionid"/>
    <property name="json.prettyoutput" value="true" description="Formats the output JSON object data in a pretty readable way (takes more bandwidth)"/>
    <property name="admin.logintype" value="sessionid" description="Type type of login used towards the admin client. Valid values are sessionid and userid"/>
    <property name="admin.credentials.user" value="user1" description="The user ID used if admin.logintype=userid, not used otherwise"/>
    <property name="admin.credentials.password" value="{encoded}94E3EF8563BE8C03" description="The password if admin.logintype=userid, not used otherwise - clear text or encoded as normal"/>
  <group name="statistics" description="cluster server configuration">
    <property name="functioncache.timeout" value="5" description="Function cache timeout in seconds"/>
    <property name="statuscache.timeout" value="5" description="Server status cache timeout in seconds"/>
    <property name="webstatuscache.timeout" value="5" description="Server status cache timeout in seconds"/>




<login type>

Valid valued are

  • sessionid – used when the rest services are located behind a dispatcher which provides an authenticated session ID in a cookie which can be used to authenticate with the PP admin client
  • userid - used to allow the rest services to connect to the admin client using userid and password – same as used on the PP admin client on the console.

Default value is sessionid


<Session cookie name>

The session cookie name to use when the admin.logintype is set to sessionid

Default value is sessionid



The user ID used if admin.logintype=userid, not used otherwise

No default value



The password if admin.logintype=userid, not used otherwise - clear text or encoded as normal

No default value



Formats the output JSON object data in a pretty readable way (takes more bandwidth)

Default value is false


<timeout in seconds>

The amount of seconds the rest server should cache statistics functions. If this is not set or set very low and the rest services are used a lot it can put un-needed stress on the statisticsserver

Default value is 60


<timeout in seconds>

The amount of seconds the rest server should cache configserver status information. If this is not set or set very low and the rest services are used a lot it can put un-needed stress on the statisticsserver

Default value is 10


<timeout in seconds>

The amount of seconds the rest server should cache dispatcher webserver status information. If this is not set or set very low and the rest services are used a lot it can put un-needed stress on the statisticsserver

Default value is 10

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