JWT / OpenID Connect

JWT / OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect is a protocol built on top of OAuth2 for enabling standardized exchange of identity information – the specification is available here: http://openid.net/connect/

Ceptor can act as both an Identity Provider, and a Relying Party.

Please read the Oauth2 section here: OAuth2, and consider JWT as a specific type of Oauth2 bearer token, and OpenID Connect as a specification of the contents of the token – this is a bit simplified view, since OpenID Connect covers more than that, but it sets the scene.

The Ceptor Authentication plugin; JWTAuthenticationPlugin implements support for both issuing OpenID Connect access and ID tokens, and for consuming tokens, parsing and validating them and making their information available to applications protected by Ceptor.

Usage Scenario

The following describes a typical scenario, where Ceptor is used as an Identity Provider, in this example; https://www.portalprotect.dk

In OpenID Connect, a “Relying Party” is the application or website which wants to access the authenticated user’s information – in this example https://www.example.com

The user browses https://www.example.com, and selects to authenticate – here, we assume that https://www.example.com is already registered as a valid client ID at www.portalprotect.dk

Now, the browser is being redirected to: https://www.portalprotect.dk/oauth2/auth?response_type=id_token&client_id=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.example.com&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Foauth2response&scope=profile+email&state=12345 this is the authentication endpoint.

If we look at the parameters, there are:

response_type: id_token – possible types include code, token and id_token.
client_id: https://www.example.com – this is the registered client ID.
redirect_uri: https://example.com/oauth2response - The url to redirect back to
scope: profile+email – The type of information example.com wishes to get.
state: 12345 – sent back to example.com along with the token – allows it to correlate state.

Here, at portalprotect.dk, the application checks if the user is currently authenticated or not – if not, he is asked to login – e.g. using userid/password, nemid or any of the other available authentication methods. After login, the user is shown a page where he can see what information that example.com asks for, and he is given the option to confirm or deny providing this information to example.com.

Once he confirms, a JWT ID Token is created, and sent back to example.com on the url: https://example.com/oauth2response#id_token=xxxxxxx_jwt_token_xxxxxx&state=12345

The actual id_token contents is not sent to the server (notice the # in the url) but is accessible to javascript on the page. If the server wishes to get the token directly, a respone_type of “code” should be used instead – in this case, example.com is issued a short-living access code, and it needs to retrieve that code by making a call to https://www.portalprotect.dk/oauth2/token with its client id, client secret (password), and the code as parameter. Then it will get the id_token and eventually an access token returned.

Architecture / Design

The JWTAuthentication plugin has a list of tokens configured – a token configuration element contains information about token issuer, signing algorithm, certificates/keys needed to issue or verify it etc. You need a token configuration for each type of JWT token you wish to issue or consume.

When issuing a token, you can issue it to various clients – a client can be other parts of your site, or it can be 3rd party applications allowed to ask for user identity.

You can control how information about known clients are store – a class implementing the interface IOAuthDataStore provides the required configuration information needed. By default, PortalProtect has an implementation of it that reads the list of clients from either a property file, or from PortalProtect’s configuration for the session controller.

When a token is issued, it contains claims about the user – a claim can be the user’s id, username, and groups etc. – essentially any variable from the PortalProtect session.

When parsing tokens, you can use custom mapping - if defined, it allows you complete control over which fields are mapped, how they are mapped and allows you to do conversions/rewriting of values within them. This is useful, if e.g. the identity provider returns a firstName and a lastName as separate fields, but you need them combined - or if your userid needs to be based upon the userid from the provider, but you do not want an exact copy.


This method of configuration described below still works, but is deprecated - instead, refer to Federations which describes a much easier method of configuration using Ceptor Console.

For configuring Ceptor Gateway with OpenID Connect for Identity Provider, please refer to OpenID Connect Identity Provider for details on how to expose OpenID Connect discovery URL and JWK key lists to relying parties.

There is quite a lot of information that can be tailored to your needs by configuration – here is the relevant configuration located within the session controller for the JWTAuthentication plugin:





<classname – default: dk.itp.security.authentication.oauth.data.properties.Oauth2DataStoreProperties >

Contains name of class implementing IOAuthDataStore and providing data about registered client IDs.

Use dk.itp.security.authentication.oauth.data.OAuthSQLStore to read data from a database, and
Use dk.itp.security.authentication.oauth.data.OAuthIgniteStore to read the data from Apache Ignite

These two datastores are the same that API Management uses to store its configured API Partners and Applications within, so you should use the matching implementation here.


<classname - default: dk.itp.security.authentication.oauth.data.AccessTokenMemoryStore >

Contains name of a class implementing IAccessTokenDataStore interface, to provide long-term storage of refresh tokens.

You can use the dk.itp.security.authentication.oauth.data.AccessTokenMemoryStore for an in-memory store - note that this is only meant for testing.

Use dk.itp.security.authentication.oauth.data.AccessTokenSQLStore to store access tokens in a database - in this case, oauth2.datastorename needs to be configured to point to the correct database datastore to use
We also provide dk.itp.security.authentication.oauth.data.AccessTokenIgniteStore which uses Apache Ignite with persistence enabled as a clustered datastore.

You can also implement your own store, or contact us to obtain another for your use.


<Name of datastore - default is datastore-primary>

Name of datastore to use when saving access tokens or refresh tokens in a database.


<classname - no default>

Contains name of a class implementing IRefreshTokenDataStore interface, to provide long-term storage of refresh tokens.

You can use the dk.itp.security.authentication.oauth.data.RefreshTokenMemoryStore for an in-memory store - note that this is only meant for testing.

Use dk.itp.security.authentication.oauth.data.RefreshTokenSQLStore to store these in a database.

We also provide dk.itp.security.authentication.oauth.data.RefreshTokenIgniteStore which uses Apache Ignite with persistence enabled as a clustered datastore.

You can also implement your own store, or contact us to obtain another for your use.


<Token name – default is the first configured token>

Sets the name of the token to be used as default if nothing else is provided.


<List of token names – separated by comma or semicolon>

List of the configured tokens.

A token contains information about how to generate or parse it, which certificate/keys to use, crypto algorithm etc.


<List of token names - separated by comma or semicolon>

List the tokens (must be in oauth2.tokens) that should be included in the generated jwks.json key list. Any tokens not mentioned here are hidden and not included in the published jwks URL.


<List of scope names – separated by comma or semicolon >

List of the configured scopes

A scope is e.g. profile or email – it specifies which information to provide and from which variables in the PP session.

Special scopes are openid and offline_access - the first is always required to be supported, and the 2nd enables use of refresh_token in the authorization_code flow.


<List of field names – separated by comma or semicolon >

For complex claim values, such as address, this specifies the sub items contained within.


<List of identity provider names – separated by comma or semicolon >

An identity provider is a foreign identity provider where we can lookup an access token and/or id_token using an authorization code.

Properties for OAuth2 Client Datastore

For the OAuth2DataStoreProperties implementation of the IOAuthDataStore, you can specify the following configuration:




<File to load remaining properties from>

If specified, the remaining properties are loaded from this file – if not, they are instead loaded from the configuration within portalprotect-configuration.xml.


<List of client names – separated by comma or semicolon >

List the clients to load.

The remaining properties start with:


Where xxxx is the client name


<Client ID>

Contains the client ID – in OpenID connect, the client ID must start with https://


<password – optionally obfuscated/encrypted>

Client Secret – used when client gets issued an authorization code, and uses that code plus the client ID and client secret to access an access token and id token.



If true, client_secret must be provided on all calls to token URL


<scope name list>

Lists the scopes this client is allowed to request – can be used to restrict certain clients so they can only access limited information about the user.


<redirect URI list>

Lists of valid redirect URIs for this client.


<Logout URI list>

List of valid logout URIs for this client.


<Grant types>

List of valid grant types for this client, can contain; authorization_code,implicit,hybrid,refresh_token

See OpenID Connect specification for details. In short; authorization_code requires a server to use the client secret to gain an access token, impliciet allows javascript in the browser to access it, and hybrid is a combination of the two.

refresh_token is required to support the offline_access scope.


<Seconds – default: 60>

Number of seconds that an issued access token is valid for.


<Minutes – default: 60>

Maximum expiration time of a generated ID token in minutes.


<Seconds – default: 60>

Maximum refreshtoken validity seconds.


<Token name>

Name of token to use for this client ID – specifies the token (algorithm, keys etc.)



Specifies which type of access token to issue – a JWT access token contains information that can be read, where a UUID-type of access tokens is a unique ID key to the access token.

The UUID is significantly smaller and does not contain any information in itself.

Custom Mapping

You can configure a number of custom mappers which you can use from tokens or identity providers.


<comma or semicolon separated list of mappers>

List of mappers to load - e.g. mapper1,mapper2


Name starts with oauth2.mapper.xxxx where xxxx is the mapper name.



Mapped value - result is placed into session as user ID

usernameMapped value - result is placed into session as username
groupsMapped value - result is placed into session as list of groups
customeridMapped value - result is placed into session customer ID
isinternalMapped value - result is placed into session as boolean value of isInternal (must be true or false)
agreementidMapped value - result is placed into session as agreement ID
authlvlMapped value - result is placed into session as authentication level - must be a valid integer value
_state_XXXX where XXXX is name of statevariableMapped value - result is placed into session as a state variable - use e.g. _state_username to set the state variable username instead of the username field in the session.
XXXX where XXXX is name of state variableMapped value - result is placed into session as state variable with the given key.

Mapped Value

The mapped value is a string, where macros are replaced with the appropriate contents - a macro can be%{claim:XXXX} where XXXX is the name of a claim key in the JSON JWT token, or token returned from an identity provider such as facebook.

macros are in the form %{type:name} where type can be claim, base64, urlencode, htmlencode, base64decode, urldecode - the default is claim if not specified. If set to e.g. base64, the value will be treated as base64 and decoded.
Like with Ceptor Gateway - Scripts and Macros you can use scripts (javascript, python or groovy) and %{rewrite} macros to do more advanced transformations of values. When scripts are used, the variable context will point to an object which contains two variables; session pointing to the users Ceptor Session, and jo pointing to a JSONObject containing the claims to map.


oauth2.mapper.xxxx.username=%{claim:firstName} %{claim.lastName}
oauth2.mapper.xxxx.salary=%{script}salary(); function salary() {var json = JSON.from(context.jo.toJSONString()); return (json.monthlySalary * 12) + json.yearlyBonus;}
oauth2.mapper.xxxx.valuesAreFrom=Some Custom Provider


For each token contained in oauth2.token, the following is configured:


Name starts with oauth2.token.xxxx



<Issuer name>

Name of issuer – e.g. https://www.portalprotect.dk


<List of names, separated by comma or semicolon>

List of audience names that are valid for this token


<JWT signing algorithm name – default is RS256>

Must be a valid JWT signing algorithm name, supported algorithms are; HS256, HS384, HS512, RS256, Rs384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512, PS256, PS384, PS512


<Key identifier>

Key ID – for the JWT header “kid” field.


<List of claims – default: “sub=userid;groups=groups;name=username” >

See the section about claim name/value paris below


<Claim name – default: “name”>

When parsing a claim issued by someone else – which attribute to look for the users name within.


<Claim name – default: “sub”>

When parsing a claim issued by someone else – which attribute to look for the users id witin.


<Claim name – default: “groups”>

When parsing a claim issued by someone else – which attribute to look for the list of user groups within.


<Stringmatcher pattern – default: “*”>

Which roles/groups to include in the token when creating claims.

Example: “^admin*” to add all group names except those starting with admin.


<Stringmatcher pattern – default: “*”>

Which attributes to store within PPs session when parsing a token issued by others.


<true | false – default: “false”>

Set to true to relax key checking, meaning to allow weak keys to be used for signing.


<true | false – default: “false”>

Specifies if the token should be openid connect compliant or just a regular JWT token.


<true | false – default: “false”>

If true, when parsing a JWT token, with an expiration time within it, the token will expire at that exact time/date and will no longer be valid. If false, the expiration time will only be used at authentication time, and the resulting session will expire using normal idle timeout settings.


<true | false - default: "true">

When parsing tokens, normally they require a subject (the "sub" claim) - if you set this to false, tokens are accepted without a subject. (Requires Ceptor 6.2.7 or later)


<List of certificate filenames>

List of files containing valid certificates that can be used to verify the signature of this token.



Place to load additional signer certificates from – e.g. https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs

The certificates must be in a JSON object, with key/value pairs where the value is the certificate.



<Number of minutes / hours> - default: 60 minutes.

If number of minutes is not specified, number of hours is read - otherwise, only number of minutes is used.

Specifies the number of minutes to cache the certificates read from the authentication provider - set to 0 to re-read it every time.


<List of certificate files, separated by semicolon or comma>

If the default cacerts trusted CA/root certificates is not enough, you can add additional certificates here. This applies to the signerCertificatesURL


<true or false, default: true>

Set to false to disable validation of the SSL server certificate for the signerCertificatesURL


<true or false, default: true>

Set to false to dsable hostname validation – when true, the hostname in the URL must match the hostname in the SSL server certificate.


<JCE provider name>

Name of the JCE provider to use when loading the keystore


<JCE keystore type – default: “PKCS12”>

Specifies the format of the keystore, e.g. PKCS12 or JKS.



Specifies the filename of the keystore to load the keys from.



Password for the keystore – can optionally be encrypted/obfuscated


<alias name>

Alias of the private key within the keystore to use – if no alias, the first key found will be used.


<alias name>

Alias of the certificate within the keystore to use – if no alias, uses the first found certificate.


<JCE provider name>

Name of the JCE provider to use when signing or validating signature of the JWT token.


<Secret key>

For algorithms starting with HS, a secret shared key is used – this should be avoided in production environments, since anyone in possession of the shared key used to validate JWT tokens can also is the same key to issue new tokens.


<Time difference in seconds> - Default: 0, Requires v5.61

Set the clock skew allowed when validating expiration / not-before timestamps in the token - allows adjusting for time difference between machines.


<Minutes> - Default: 10

When creating a token, this is the expiration time as minutes in the future.


<Minutes> - Default: 2

When creating a token, this is the number of minutes in the past to set nbf (not before) attribute to.


<Name of custom mapper>

If specified, when tokens are parse, they are not just copied - instead, the fields in the custom mapper are constructed based upon the claims provided as input. Note that attributesToStoreInSession has no effect if custom field mapping is enabled.


<Script or Mapper>

Script/Mapper that has a chance to modify the access token before it is signed and issued - it must return the new JSON value.


<Script or Mapper>

Script/Mapper that has a chance to modify the ID token before it is signed and issued - it must return the new JSON value.


<Script or Mapper>

Script/Mapper that has a chance to modify the userinfo before it is sent - it must return the new JSON value.


OpenID Scope names are mapped to claim names and attributes by configuration.


Name starts with openid.scope.xxxx




Description of the scope


<List of claim name/value pairs>

List of claim name/value pairs to include in the ID token for this scope.


<List of claim name/value pairs>

List of claim name/value pairs to include in the access token – (if the access token is a JWT token and not an UUID) for this scope.


<List of claim name/value pairs>

List of claim name/value pairs to include in the userinfo for this scope.

The userinfo is a JSON object that can be requested from https://xxxx/oauth2/userinfo by providing a valid access token as input.

Claim name/value pairs

A list of claim names is specified as e.g. sub=userid;groups=groups;name=username – it is a semicolon separated list of key/values.

The key is the name of the claim in the JWT token, and the value has special meaning; it refers to attributes within PortalProtect’s session;




Leave the claim out – has the same meaning as if the claim was not present at all, but can be used as a placeholder in the configuration where it can be later changed to another attribute.


Users ID


Users name


PP Session ID


Customer ID


True if user is internal, false if not


Agreement ID


Authentication method


Authentication level


Literal value – if it starts with two underscore characters, it is taken as a litereral – e.g. “salary=__secret” will create the claim:
{“salary”: “secret”} In the JWT token.

<field name>

If the value matches a configured field name, e.g. “address” then it will be used as a complex/nested field – e.g.

{“address”: {“country”: “DK”, “street_address”: “Kronprinsessegade 54”, “postal_code”: “1306”}}


Refers to a state variable within the session, e.g. 


picks out the value from the state variable named “username” instead of the field “username” within the session.

Anything else

Any other value is matched up against a state variable within the session.





<List of field names, separated by comma or semicolon>

List of defined fields


<xxxx is the fieldname – claims name/value pairs> 



Identity Providers




<List of identity provider names – separated by comma or semicolon >

An identity provider is a foreign identity provider where we can lookup an access token and/or id_token using an authorization code.

xxxx below is replaced with the
name of the identity provider



OpenID Connect Client ID


<Password – can be encoded/encrypted> 

OpenID Client Secret – a kind of password used when looking up authorization code


<URL – https required> 

URL to token service – needed to exchange authorization_code for token


<true | false> (requires minimum Ceptor v5.67)

True if this identity provider is facebook


URL to use when calling with access_token to retrieve fields to place within session.

Default value is:


<List of fields>

Comma separated list of fields to send to the facebookurl - list of fields to query.

Default (corresponding to what is available in facebook's default public_info scope) is:


<true | false> (requires minimum Ceptor v5.70.0)

True if this identity provider is linkedin


URL to use when calling with access_token to retrieve user profile information to place within session.

Default value is:


<List of fields>

Comma separated list of fields to send to the linkedinurl- list of fields to query.

Default (see available fields at https://developer.linkedin.com/docs/fields/basic-profile) is:


<Name of custom mapper>

If specified, when tokens are parse, they are not just copied - instead, the fields in the custom mapper are constructed based upon the claims provided as input.
If mapping a JWT token, and a customfieldmapper is specified on an identity provider, this supercedes what might be specified on the individual token.

Sample Configuration

The following is a complete example of the configuration with all the fields specified above.

<group name="OpenID_Connect" description="OpenID Connect related settings">
  <property name="openid.scopes" value="openid,email,profile,address,phone" description="The list of configured openid scopes" />
  <property name="openid.scope.openid.userinfo" value="sub=userid" description="Attributes to include in userinfo for openid scope"/>
  <property name="openid.scope.openid.accesstoken" value="sub=userid" description="Attributes to include in access token for openid scope"/>
  <property name="openid.scope.openid.idtoken" value="sub=userid" description="Attributes to include in id token for openid scope"/>
  <property name="openid.scope.openid.description" value="Essential information" description="Description of openid scope"/>
  <property name="openid.scope.email.userinfo" value="email=email1;email_verified=null" description="Attributes to include in userinfo for email scope"/>
  <property name="openid.scope.email.idtoken" value="" description="Attributes to include in userinfo for email scope"/>
  <property name="openid.scope.email.accesstoken" value="" description="Attributes to include in access token for email scope"/>
  <property name="openid.scope.email.description" value="Email address" description="Description of email scope"/>
  <property name="openid.scope.profile.userinfo" value="name=username;family_name=null;given_name=null;middle_name=null;nickname=null;preferred_username=null;profile=null;picture=null;website=null;gender=gender;birthdate=birthdate;zoneinfo=null;locale=null;updated_at=null" description="Attributes to include in userinfo for email scope"/>
  <property name="openid.scope.profile.idtoken" value="" description="Attributes to include in userinfo for email scope"/>
  <property name="openid.scope.profile.accesstoken" value="" description="Attributes to include in access token for email scope"/>
  <property name="openid.scope.profile.description" value="Email address" description="Description of email scope"/>
  <property name="openid.scope.address.userinfo" value="address=address" description="Attributes to include in userinfo for email scope"/>
  <property name="openid.scope.address.idtoken" value="" description="Attributes to include in userinfo for email scope"/>
  <property name="openid.scope.address.accesstoken" value="" description="Attributes to include in access token for email scope"/>
  <property name="openid.scope.address.description" value="Your address" description="Description of email scope"/>
  <property name="openid.scope.phone.userinfo" value="phone=mobilephone;phone=phone;phone_verified=null" description="Attributes to include in userinfo for email scope"/>
  <property name="openid.scope.phone.idtoken" value="" description="Attributes to include in userinfo for email scope"/>
  <property name="openid.scope.phone.accesstoken" value="" description="Attributes to include in access token for email scope"/>
  <property name="openid.scope.phone.description" value="Your phone number" description="Description of email scope"/>
  <property name="openid.fields" value="address" description="List of custom fields for which sub attributes exists"/>
  <property name="openid.field.address" value="street_address=address1;locality=city;region=state;postal_code=postal;country=country" description="Specifies which fields are included within the address JSON object"/>
<group name="Oauth2" description="Oauth2 related settings">
  <property name="oauth2.clients" value="sample" description="List of Oauth2 token names"/>
  <property name="oauth2.client.sample.accesstokentype" value="JWT" description="Type of access token to generate for use in bearer token - either JWT or UUID"/>
  <property name="oauth2.client.sample.clientid" value="https://www.example.com/" description="Client ID"/>
  <property name="oauth2.client.sample.secret" value="secret" description="Client Secret"/>
  <property name="oauth2.client.sample.allowedscopes" value="openid;profile;email" description="Allowed scopes"/>
  <property name="oauth2.client.sample.allowedredirecturis" value="https://www.example.com/oauth2" description="Allowed redirectURIs"/>
  <property name="oauth2.client.sample.validgranttypes" value="authorization_code,implicit,hybrid" description="Valid oauth2 grant types"/>
  <property name="oauth2.client.sample.accesstokenvalidityseconds" value="3600" description="Number of seconds an issued access token is valid for"/>
  <property name="oauth2.client.sample.maximumexpirationminutes" value="120" description="Maximum number of minutes an expiration time can be set in the future, 0 or -1 for no expiration"/>
  <property name="oauth2.client.sample.refreshtokenvalidityseconds" value="-1" description="Number of seconds a refresh token is valid for - 0 or -1 to disable"/>
  <property name="oauth2.client.sample.tokenname" value="sample" description="Which oauth2 token name to use for this client"/>
<group name="Oauth2_JWT" description="Oauth2 JWT related settings">
  <property name="oauth2.datastoreclass" value="dk.itp.security.authentication.oauth.data.properties.Oauth2DataStoreProperties" description="Java class to handle reading Oauth2 datastore"/>
  <property name="oauth2.defaulttoken" value="sample" description="Name of the default token to use if nothing else is requested"/>
  <property name="oauth2.tokens" value="sample;sample2" description="List of Oauth2 JWT tokens names"/>
  <property name="oauth2.tokens.jwks" value="sample" description="List of Oauth2 JWT tokens names which are included in the JWK key list"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample.validaudiences" value="https://www.example.com/" description="List of valid audiences, used when validating JWT token"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample.issuer" value="https://www.portalprotect.dk" description="OAUth2 Issuer"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample.algorithm" value="RS256" description="Algorithm to use for JWT token"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample.expirationminutes" value="10" description="Token Expiration in minutes"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample.notBeforeMinutesInPast" value="2" description="Number of minutes in past to set in token"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample.keyid" value="k1" description="Key ID for this token"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample.claims" value="sub=userid;groups=groups;name=username" description="Claims to add to token"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample.usernameAttributeName" value="name" description="Name of attribute to contain the username"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample.roleAttributeName" value="groups" description="Name of attribute roles/groups are stored in"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample.rolePattern" value="^admin*" description="Only groups matching this pattern are set"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample.relaxKeyChecks" value="true" description="True to not perform key strength checks"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample.openidconnect" value="true" description="True to create openid connect compatible token"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample.attributesToStoreInSession" value="*" description="Attributes from ID token to store in session"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample.signerCertificates" value="" description="List of valid signer certificates when receiving JWT token"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample.jceprovider" value="BC" description="Name of JCE provider to use for creating/validating tokens"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample.keystore.type" value="PKCS12" description="Keystore to load private key/certificate from"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample.keystore.file" value="${portalprotect.home}/config/x509/nemid/kr.pfx" description=""/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample.keystore.password" value="Zaq12wsx" description=""/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample.keystore.provider" value="BC" description=""/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample.keystore.privalias" value="" description=""/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample.keystore.certalias" value="" description=""/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample2.issuer" value="https://www.portalprotect.dk" description="OAUth2 Issuer"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample2.algorithm" value="HS256" description="Algorithm to use for JWT token"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample2.expirationminutes" value="10" description="Token Expiration in minutes"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample2.notBeforeMinutesInPast" value="2" description="Number of minutes in past to set in token"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample2.claims" value="sub=userid;groups=groups;name=username" description="Claims to add to token"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample2.usernameAttributeName" value="name" description="Name of attribute to contain the username"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample2.roleAttributeName" value="groups" description="Name of attribute roles/groups are stored in"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample2.rolePattern" value="^admin*" description="Only groups matching this pattern are set"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample2.relaxKeyChecks" value="false" description="True to not perform key strength checks"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample2.openidconnect" value="true" description="True to create openid connect compatible token"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample2.attributesToStoreInSession" value="*" description="Attributes from ID token to store in session"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample2.jceprovider" value="BC" description="Name of JCE provider to use for creating/validating tokens"/>
  <property name="oauth2.token.sample2.secretkey" value="secret" description="Secret key"/>
  <property name="openid.identityproviders" value="google" description="OpenID Connect identity providers, where we can exchange an authorization code for an id/access token"/>
  <property name="openid.idp.google.clientid" value="371213948273-79eceu24cm64ft69pln0hk2lfapok1bq.apps.googleusercontent.com" description="Client ID"/>
  <property name="openid.idp.google.secret" value="{encoded}806F9FE0C7CBC28D5777D6DE91772DA4961482568956695A" description="Client Secret"/>
  <property name="openid.idp.google.tokenurl" value="https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token" description="URL to use when exchanging authorization code for a token"/>

Example Request Flow

Below, is an example of the request and response flow with the example configuration, using cURL (https://curl.haxx.se/) from a command-line to generate the requests.

In this example, portalprotect is running locally on port the default port; 4443.

Run curl like this:

curl –insecure -s -D - -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt “https://localhost:4443/oauth2/auth?client_id=https://www.example.com/&redirect_uri=https://www.example.com/oauth2&response_type=code&scope=profile+email

This will create a cookies.txt file, looking like this:

This will create a cookies.txt file, looking like this:

# Netscape HTTP Cookie File
# http://curl.haxx.se/docs/http-cookies.html
# This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk.
#HttpOnly_localhost        FALSE        /            TRUE         0             sslsessionid 5C5CC94AAE5F796D4C21CEB67D0570715F45DD92BE9153E99CF16E0662B358EF3825DCBD0B89EDF248524EA7A13399FB74DB4859F73605CA794D0BAD6F72EA21ED7A950F1B3CFE81C886FFEEFA518145C1D789C5AD7FA1D1A0A62EADB8A54CA18B41934D77F123E5B7
#HttpOnly_localhost        FALSE        /            FALSE        0             defaultselectedServer      aM9eMlE3kXkSL6iOdh4qzVV3wkk=

Now, log into PP using your browser – then press F12, find the sslsessionid cookie, and copy that. Edit the cookies.txt file, and replace the sslsessionid cookie with the one you got from the browser – the one representing your authenticated session.

Now, run this again(the first time was just to get a cookies.txt file created):

curl –insecure -s -D - -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt “https://localhost:4443/oauth2/auth?client_id=https://www.example.com/&redirect_uri=https://www.example.com/oauth2&response_type=code&scope=profile+email

You should get a response looking like this:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Security-Policy: script-src ‘unsafe-inline’
Location: /confirm_oauth.jsp
Via: 1.1 dispatcher1 (PortalProtect/5.31)
Content-Length: 0

This redirects you to the confirmation page, where you have to confirm that you want to allow www.example.com access to your information.

Pretend you are doing this, by calling /oauth2/confirm like this:

curl –insecure -s -D - -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt “https://localhost:4443/oauth2/confirm

This will reward you with a response similar to this:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Security-Policy: script-src ‘unsafe-inline’
Location: https://www.example.com/oauth2?code=Y2IyMmUzOTItYjY1NS00Zjc5LWFkMmQtNjEwYjVjMzY1NzFiYmNhY2EzNDItMjE4Yi00YzEyLWE2ZWMtNTYyYWM1NmM1NzA5
Via: 1.1 dispatcher1 (PortalProtect/5.31)
Content-Length: 0

As you can see, you got a redirect to https://www.example.com with your authentication code as an URL parameter.

Now, www.example.com needs to request a token using the provided code:

This is done like this – note it is sent as a POST request, which is required by the OpenID Connect specification:

curl –insecure -s -D - --data “client_id=https://www.example.com/&client_secret=secret&grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=https://www.example.com/oauth2&code=Y2IyMmUzOTItYjY1NS00Zjc5LWFkMmQtNjEwYjVjMzY1NzFiYmNhY2EzNDItMjE4Yi00YzEyLWE2ZWMtNTYyYWM1NmM1NzA5https://localhost:4443/oauth2/token

Which gives you this response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Security-Policy: script-src ‘unsafe-inline’
Set-Cookie: sslsessionid=5C5CC94AAE5F796D4C21CEB67D0570715F45DD92BE9153E99CF16E0662B358EF3825DCBD0B89EDF272B1289138B990D104F8AFDC23A0F033A20C80C91EB8BBD5276262189DBC6E7A6FB0819378A60C886DD0154CA7A5D3EDB57045C485B05144AA979D2759078D13D5; Path=/; HttpOnly; Secure
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Set-Cookie: defaultselectedServer=aM9eMlE3kXkSL6iOdh4qzVV3wkk=; path=/; HttpOnly
Cache-Control: no-cache=”Set-Cookie”
Via: 1.1 dispatcher1 (PortalProtect/5.31)
Content-Length: 1406

The response contains an access token, which you can use to request access to the users userinfo, and an id_token from which you can see the users identity.

If you take the ID token, and paste it into the JWT debugger on http://jwt.io then it will parse it and display the result. In this case, the result looks like this:

  “iss”: “https://www.portalprotect.dk”,
  “sub”: “kimras”,
  “aud”: “https://www.example.com/”,
  “exp”: 1455358857,
  “jti”: “4fURpQXEC3jkyPbXRx_ppA”,
  “iat”: 1455358257,
  “nbf”: 1455358137,
  “groups”: [],
  “name”: “Kim Rasmussen”,
  “auth_time”: “1455357460”

In the above example, the token was requested using the OpenID Connect grant type authorization_code flow which first gives the application a code, which needs to be exchanged for a token by the webserver at www.example.com providing its client_id and client_secret.

Since the client_secret needs to be protected, it cannot be used directly by the browser – so for browser applications, the implicity flow is used instead – in this case the id_token and access_token are provided directly to the browser

curl –insecure -s -D - -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt “https://localhost:4443/oauth2/auth?client_id=https://www.example.com/&redirect_uri=https://www.example.com/oauth2&response_type=id_token&scope=profile+email&nonce=12345” 

Notice that the response_type is this time set to id_token, and not code. This causes the implicit authentication flow to be used. Also note, that the request now contains a nonce parameter with a supposedly unique value.

This gives you this response, showing you the confirmation page:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Security-Policy: script-src ‘unsafe-inline’
Location: /confirm_oauth.jsp
Via: 1.1 dispatcher1 (PortalProtect/5.31)
Content-Length: 0

As before, the user confirms by sending:

curl –insecure -s -D - -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt “https://localhost:4443/oauth2/confirm

This rewards you with this response:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Security-Policy: script-src ‘unsafe-inline’
Location: https://www.example.com/oauth2#id_token=eyJraWQiOiJrMSIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2In0.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5wb3J0YWxwcm90ZWN0LmRrIiwic3ViIjoia2ltcmFzIiwiYXVkIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20vIiwiZXhwIjoxNDU1MzYxMDI2LCJqdGkiOiIySjRzeU9BNWVaNEZKSDdUbU5TcWZnIiwiaWF0IjoxNDU1MzYwNDI2LCJuYmYiOjE0NTUzNjAzMDYsImdyb3VwcyI6W10sIm5hbWUiOiJLaW0gUmFzbXVzc2VuIiwiYXV0aF90aW1lIjoiMTQ1NTM2MDIxNiIsIm5vbmNlIjoiMTIzNDUifQ.Q1KKMPyPlogv08NBh8ArCohBJZr6VvsJ6LysOi2EfuNCkmGA7AtTDJ1ktD-xtzokiyHVGjywbv9xKlQYI4z3wtQhLWMMzUIcwFM-2lMFZRzo6hujNVd3GruRDSjsnbkpw50veP1xYHf-EfBOuzKjrOIefioKqm0vS6AINNDYS2q0ZB-VnEv2nfwdsdVy8ziwwFQaoD8dgL6DVYP-gxSLLmn4zINqcgfW86qhiODTc6mvBf_dP-rJ0pk9xnulyw4-JSCW4EydeqpdVeLQ0pQca7vgudqABhn0uFDqOreBRyTtZKwPAzpLio0zPLG5oHDXTxSZ3r1eRMRGVO4vncN2Q
Via: 1.1 dispatcher1 (PortalProtect/5.31)
Content-Length: 0

The ID token is now provided directly to the browser in the redirect URL – notice that it is added with # instead of an URL parameter with ? – this ensures that the browser does not send the id_token directly to the server, but it is instead available to javascript code retrieved from the servers redirect URL.

You can verify the contents of the ID token by pasting it into the debugger on http://jwt.io

If you wish both an id_tokan and an access_token, the initial request has to look like this:

curl –insecure -s -D - -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt “https://localhost:4443/oauth2/auth?client_id=https://www.example.com/&redirect_uri=https://www.example.com/oauth2&response_type=id_token+token&scope=profile+email&nonce=12345

The response after confirming, will then look like this:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Security-Policy: script-src ‘unsafe-inline’
Location: https://www.example.com/oauth2#access_token=eyJraWQiOiJrMSIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2In0.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5wb3J0YWxwcm90ZWN0LmRrIiwic3ViIjoia2ltcmFzIi
Via: 1.1 dispatcher1 (PortalProtect/5.31)
Content-Length: 0

It contains both an access token and an id token.

The access_token is rather long, if you modify the configuration, and change oauth2.client.sample.accesstokentype from JWT to UUID, you will get something like this instead:

Request for token:

curl –insecure -s -D - -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt “https://localhost:4443/oauth2/auth?client_id=https://www.example.com/&redirect_uri=https://www.example.com/oauth2&response_type=id_token&scope=openid+profile+email&nonce=12345

Response redirects to confirm_oauth2.jsp, we confirm it

curl –insecure -s -D - -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt “https://localhost:4443/oauth2/confirm
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Security-Policy: script-src ‘unsafe-inline’
Location: https://www.example.com/oauth2#access_token=YjIzNjQ4OTMtYTdmNS00NGQ0LTliMjAtY2E3ZDcwYmIwYTQ4&id_token=eyJraWQiOiJrMSIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2In0.eyJpc3MiOiJo
Via: 1.1 dispatcher1 (PortalProtect/5.31)
Content-Length: 0

Using our access_token, we request the userinfo

curl –insecure -s -D – “https://localhost:4443/oauth2/userinfo” -H “Authorization: Bearer YjIzNjQ4OTMtYTdmNS00NGQ0LtliMjAtY2E3ZDcwYmIwYTQ4”

And we get this back here: 

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Security-Policy: script-src ‘unsafe-inline’
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Set-Cookie: defaultselectedServer=aM9eMlE3kXkSL6iOdh4qzVV3wkk=; path=/; HttpOnly
Cache-Control: no-cache=”Set-Cookie”
Via: 1.1 dispatcher1 (PortalProtect/5.31)
Content-Length: 62 
{“sub”:”kimras”,”name”:”Kim Rasmussen”,”email”:”kim@ceptor.io”}

Note that the configuration of the scopes decided which scope maps to which claims/attributes in the id_token, the access_token and userinfo respectively.

Using Microsoft as an Identity Provider

If you need to use Microsoft as an identity provider, you need to go to: https://apps.dev.microsoft.com/ - here, you can add your application and obtain a client_id for it, and a client_secret to use when exchanging the authorization code for a token.

Then you can use configuration similar to this:

<property name="openid.identityproviders" value="microsoft" description="OpenID Connect identity providers, where we can exchange an authorization code for an id/access token"/>

<property name="openid.idp.microsoft.clientid" value="xxxxx - your client ID xxxxx" description="Client ID"/>
<property name="openid.idp.microsoft.secret" value="xxxx your client secret ----" description=""/>
<property name="openid.idp.microsoft.tokenurl" value="https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/token" description="URL to use when exchanging authorization code for a token"/>

<property name="oauth2.tokens" value="sample;sample2;google;microsoft" description="List of OAuth2 JWT tokens names"/>

<property name="oauth2.token.microsoft.attributesToStoreInSession" value="*" description=""/>
<property name="oauth2.token.microsoft.issuer" value="https://login.microsoftonline.com/9188040d-6c67-4c5b-b112-36a304b66dad/v2.0" description=""/>
<property name="oauth2.token.microsoft.jceprovider" value="BC" description=""/>
<property name="oauth2.token.microsoft.openidconnect" value="true" description=""/>
<property name="oauth2.token.microsoft.signerCertificates" value="" description=""/>
<property name="oauth2.token.microsoft.signerCertificatesURL" value="https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/discovery/v2.0/keys" description=""/>
<property name="oauth2.token.microsoft.useridAttributeName" value="preferred_username" description="Name of attribute to contain the userid, if not sub"/>
<property name="oauth2.token.microsoft.usernameAttributeName" value="name" description="Name of attribute to contain the username"/>
<property name="oauth2.token.microsoft.validaudiences" value="xxxxx your client ID xxxxx" description="We need to specify which audience is valid for the token"/>

Using Facebook as an Identity Provider

If you need to use facebook as identity provider, go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps/ and register your application - here, you need to obtain the clientid (appid) and secret.

Since facebook does not support OpenID Connect, but its own variant of it, your configuration differs - there is no JWT ID Token, but instead an access token that is sent to facebook, and they return the parsed attributes that you have access to read.
To make using facebook as easy as possible within Ceptor, our JWT authentication plugin supports facebook, but it needs to be configured to know that it should do so like the configuration below:

<property name="openid.idp.facebook.clientid" value="xxxx your client ID xxxxx" description="Client ID"/>
<property name="openid.idp.facebook.secret" value="xxxx your client secret xxxx" description=""/>
<property name="openid.idp.facebook.facebook" value="true" description="Use facebook connect, since facebook does not support OpenID Connect - it prefers its own broken variation"/>
<property name="openid.idp.facebook.facebookfields" value="id,cover,name,first_name,last_name,age_range,link,gender,locale,picture,timezone,updated_time,verified,email" description=""/>
<property name="openid.idp.facebook.facebookurl" value="https://graph.facebook.com/me" description=""/>
<property name="openid.idp.facebook.tokenurl" value="https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token" description="URL to use when exchanging authorization code for a token"/>

Using LinkedIn as an Identity Provider

If you need to use linkedIn as identity provider, go to https://www.linkedin.com/developer/apps and register your application - here, you need to obtain the clientid and secret.

Since linkedIn does not support the full OpenID Connect specification, your configuration differs - there is no JWT ID Token, but instead an access token that is sent to facebook, and they return the parsed attributes that you have access to read.
To make using linkedIn as easy as possible within Ceptor, our JWT authentication plugin supports linkedIn, but it needs to be configured to know that it should do so like the configuration below:

<property name="openid.idp.linkedin.clientid" value="xxxx your client ID xxxx" description=""/>
<property name="openid.idp.linkedin.secret" value="xxxx your client secret xxxx" description=""/>
<property name="openid.idp.linkedin.tokenurl" value="https://www.linkedin.com/oauth/v2/accessToken" description=""/>
<property name="openid.idp.linkedin.linkedin" value="true" description=""/>
<property name="openid.idp.linkedin.linkedinurl" value="https://api.linkedin.com/v1/people/~" description=""/>
<property name="openid.idp.linkedin.linkedinfields" value="id,firstName,lastName,headline,num-connections,picture-url,formatted-name,summary,location,public-profile-url" description=""/>

You can also configure the Ceptor Gateway to handle the redirection back and forth by creating a location such as this:

  "content.preload": false,
  "name": "OpenID Connect LinkedIn",
  "description": "OpenID Connect authorization code flow example using LinkedIn",
  "conditions": [{
    "values": [
    "type": "path"
  "authentication": {
    "plugins": ["io.ceptor.authentication.AuthenticatorOpenIDConnect"],
    "openidconnect": {
      "identityprovider.name": "linkedin",
      "authenticationplugin": 48,
      "redirecturl": "https://%{HTTP_HOST}/openid/linkedin",
      "response.name": "Redirect to page after login",
      "scope": "r_basicprofile",
      "authorize.url": "https://www.linkedin.com/oauth/v2/authorization",
      "client.id": "xxxx your client ID xxxx"

To see more about configuring the gateway, refer to Gateway Configuration and Location - Authentication specifically.

Implementing Datastore Interfaces

There are 3 datastore interfaces; IOAuthDataStore, IAccessTokenDataStore and IRefreshTokenDataStore - these are used for storing OpenID Connect client data,  access-token/authorization codes, and for long-term storage of refresh tokens.

Please contact support for guidance and examples.


This datastore is used to retrieve information about clients which are authorized to use Ceptor as an OpenID Provider / Identity Provider.

package dk.itp.security.authentication.oauth.data;

 * Interface to OAuth2 data store - implementers retrieve client ID information, 
public interface IOAuthDataStore {
	 * Gives the datastore its configuration
	 * @param config Configuration
	public void setConfiguration(Properties config);
	 * Return a list of known client IDs
	 * @return List of known client IDs
	public Collection<String> getKnownClientIDs();
	 * Returns known ClientData from a clientID
	 * @param clientID Client ID
	 * @return Client Data - includes secret, valid scopes, valid redirect URIs etc.
	public ClientData getClientData(String clientID);
package dk.itp.security.authentication.oauth.data;

 * Contains known data about an OAuth2 Client.
 * A client is not PortalProtect as a client to someone else, but a client towards PortalProtect where we are the server
public class ClientData {
	public enum AccessTokenType {
	/** Client ID */
	public String clientID;
	/** Client secret */
	public String clientSecret;
	/** Valid OAuth2 grant type; implicit, authorization_code */
	public Collection<String> validGrantTypes;
	/** Valid scopes, e.g. email, profile, name, photo */
	public Collection<String> allowedScopes;
	/** Allowed redirect URIs */
	public Collection<String> allowedUris;
	/** Allowed logout URIs */
	public Collection<String> allowedLogoutUris;
	/** Number of seconds the access token is valid for */
	public int accessTokenValiditySeconds;
	/** Number of seconds the refresh token is valid for */
	public int refreshTokenValiditySeconds;
	/** The maximum expiration time in minutes allowed */
	public int maximumIdTokenExpirationMinutes;
	/** Name of token configuration to use with this client */
	public String tokenname;
	/** Type of access token to generate */
	public AccessTokenType accessTokenType;

	/** If true, client is confidential and must always authenticate itself */
	public boolean isConfidential;
	/** If true, new refresh token is issued when previous refresh token is used */
	public boolean issueNewRefreshTokensWhenUsed;
	/** If true, refresh token is invalidate on use */
	public boolean invalidateRefreshTokenOnUse;

	/** A list of roles for this client - could be roles for an API partner */
	public List<String> roles;
	public Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<>();


This datastore is used for storage of access tokens, authorization codes, and their related id/refresh tokens.

package dk.itp.security.authentication.oauth.data;

 * Interface which must be implemented by data-stores which handle access tokens and authorization codes
public interface IAccessTokenDataStore {
	 * Lookup a previously stored set of information for a particular client ID and access token
	 * @param clientId Client ID - might be null if session is created from a ticket/bearer token
	 * @param refreshToken Refresh Token
	 * @return RefreshTokenInfo loaded from datastore.
	public AccessTokenInfo lookupToken(String clientId, String accessToken);
	 * Lookup a previously stored set of information for a particular client ID and authorization code
	 * An access token can only be looked up once - after that, it is marked as being used and cannot be reused.
	 * @param clientId Client ID
	 * @param refreshToken Refresh Token
	 * @return RefreshTokenInfo loaded from datastore.
	public AccessTokenInfo lookupTokenFromCode(String clientId, String authorizationCode);
	 * Store the info in the data store.
	 * @param info Access Token to store
	public void storeAccesToken(AccessTokenInfo info);
	 * Revoke an existing access token
	 * @param info Access Token to revoke
	public void revokeAccessToken(AccessTokenInfo info);
	 * Called to initialize this datastore, after configuration has been set
	 * @param sessioncontroller
	public void start(PTSServer sessioncontroller);
	 * Gives this datastore a chance to stop and release any resources it might have
	public void stop();
	 * Gives the datastore its configuration
	 * @param config Configuration
	public void setConfiguration(Properties config);
package dk.itp.security.authentication.oauth.data;

 * Contains information about a refresh token
public class AccessTokenInfo implements Serializable {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
	/** The access token */
	public String access_token;
	/** An ID token that might have be generated along with the access token */
	public String id_token;
	/** Client ID */
	public String clientid;
	/** Redirect URL */
	public String redirectUri;
	/** Userinfo generated from the session */
	public String userinfo;
	/** Refresh token, if any */
	public String refreshToken;
	/** Expiration time in seconds of the access token*/
	public int accessTokenExpireSeconds;
	/** Authorization code which can be used to obtain this access token */
	public String authorizationCode;

	// --- Information needed for introspection ---
	/** The requested scope */
	public String scope;
	/** Expires at (seconds) */
	public long expiresAt;
	/** Issued at */
	public long issuedAt;
	/** Subject */
	public String sub;
	/** Username */
	public String username;
	/** Audience */
	public String audience;
	/** Issuer */
	public String issuer;
	/** Token ID */
	public String jti;


This datastore is used for long-term storage of refresh tokens.

package dk.itp.security.authentication.oauth.data;

 * Interface which must be implemented by data-stores which handle refresh tokens
public interface IRefreshTokenDataStore {
	 * Lookup a previously stored set of session data for a particular client ID and refreshToken
	 * @param clientId Client ID
	 * @param refreshToken Refresh Token
	 * @return RefreshTokenInfo loaded from datastore.
	public RefreshTokenInfo lookupToken(String clientId, String refreshToken);
	 * Store the info in the data store.
	 * @param info Refresh Token to store
	public void storeRefreshToken(RefreshTokenInfo info);
	 * Revoke an existing refresh token
	 * @param info Refresh token to revoke
	public void revokeRefreshToken(RefreshTokenInfo info);
	 * Gives the datastore its configuration
	 * @param config Configuration
	public void setConfiguration(Properties config);
	 * Called to initialize this datastore, after configuration has been set
	 * @param sessioncontroller
	public void start(PTSServer sessioncontroller);
	 * Gives this datastore a chance to stop and release any resources it might have
	public void stop();
package dk.itp.security.authentication.oauth.data;

 * Contains information about a refresh token
public class RefreshTokenInfo implements Serializable {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
	/** The refresh token */
	public String refreshToken;
	/** The client ID this token is valid for */
	public String clientID;
	/** Expire time in msecs */
	public long expiresAt;
	/** Created at in msecs */
	public long createdAt;
	public byte[] persistedSession;

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