Admin REST Service

Admin REST Service

Once admin REST services are enabled and properly configured they can be accessed as shown below.

The admin REST service supports many of the methods in the Administration API - and the REST methods and arguments are the same.

Please note that this REST API is an old version, which is superceded by API Management API - the newer version has Swagger/OpenAPI Specification available, and supports more features than this one does.

A more detailed description of each of the methods can also be find on the link above, as this REST service simply passes through the calls to the Administration API.

The supported methods are listed below.


No parameters


Creates a JVM dump

Example URLS


Output example


JVM Dump for statisticsserver1@localhost:58213@configclient_statisticsserver



Full JVM Dump:

Runtime Information:


VN name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Vendor: Oracle Corporation, Version: 25.131-b11

JVM Started at: Mon, 26-Jun-17 16:41:45 CEST

Uptime: 24 seconds, 290 msecs\nOS Name: Windows 10, version: 10.0

CPUs: 8\nArchitecture: amd64

Boot classpath: C:\\PortalProtect\\pp\\alpn\\alpn-boot-8.1.11.v20170118.jar;D:\\java\\jdk1.8.0_131\\jre\\lib\\resources.jar;D:\\java\\jdk1.8.0_131\\jre\\lib\\rt.jar;; ..... C:\\PortalProtect\\classes;

.... and the dump continues (smile)


No optional parameters


Shuts down the server!

Example URLS


Output example

{"status": "Shutting down server!"}


No optional parameters


Tells the config server to reload all configuration

Example URLS


Output example

{"status": "Reloading all configuration"}


No optional parameters


Lists all services known to the config server with connection and status information

Example URLS


Output example

"name": "axis",
"status": {
"running": false,
"connecting": false,
"notConnected": true,
"disconnecting": false,
"disconnected": true,
"connected": false,
"starting": false,
"stopping": false,
"shuttingDown": false,
"shutDown": false,
"stopped": true
"pingTime": -1,
"alias": null,
"routeNodeName": null,
"type": null,
"memoryFree": 0,
"memoryTotal": 0,
"memoryUsed": 0,
"memoryMax": 0,
"cpuProcess": -1,
"cpuSystem": -1,
"pingtime": -1
"name": "configserver1",
"status": {
"running": true,
"connecting": false,
"notConnected": true,
"disconnecting": false,
"disconnected": true,
"connected": false,
"starting": false,
"stopping": false,
"shuttingDown": false,
"shutDown": false,
"stopped": false
"pingTime": 0,
"alias": "",
"routeNodeName": "configserver1@",
"type": null,
"memoryFree": 695644,
"memoryTotal": 974336,
"memoryUsed": 278692,
"memoryMax": 974336,
"cpuProcess": 0.0012769606407561649,
"cpuSystem": 0.09321413231377008,
"pingtime": 0

....... More services listed here




Required parameter is a server.


starts or stops a server with a given name

Example URLS


Output example{"status": "Starting server useradmin1"}


No required paramaters


Returns all configuration entries known to the config server

Example URLS


Output example

"name": "applications",
"description": "Application server settings",
"extend": null,
"type": "abstract",
"groups": [ {
"name": "general",
"description": "General configuration",
"properties": [
"key": "ppagent.synctimewithserver",
"value": "false",
"description": "Synchronize time with PP server upon startup"
"key": "useradmin.server",
"value": "nios://localhost:15000?validateservercert=false",
"description": "Useradmin servers"
"key": "sessioncontrollers",
"value": "nios://localhost:21343?validateservercert=false",
"description": ""
"key": "useradmin.userid",
"value": "admin",
"description": "Userid for useradmin client"
"key": "reconnectToPrimarySessionCtrl",
"value": "false",
"description": "If true, agent will try to reconnect to primary sessionctrl"
"key": "useradmin.password",
"value": "password",
"description": "Password for useradmin client"
"key": "exitOnOutOfMemory",
"value": "true",
"description": "If true, JVM will exit when out of memory"
"key": "agentvalidator",
"value": "dk.itp.security.passticket.DefaultValidator",
"description": "Code which e.g. checks group memberships or permissions"
"name": "axis",
"description": "Axis WebService server",
"extend": "applications",
"type": "app",
"groups": []
"name": "configserver1",
"description": "master config server",
"extend": "configservers",
"type": "config",
"groups": [
"name": "cluster",
"description": "cluster server configuration",
"properties": [
"key": "cluster.server",
"value": "master",
"description": "valid values=\"master\" and \"slave\""
"key": "cluster.server.master",
"value": "nios://localhost:21233?validateservercert=false",
"description": "host and port of master server"




Required server name


Returns latest log entries for the given server stored in the log server memory

Example URLS


Output example

"categoryName": "root",
"ndc": null,
"renderedMessage": "Launching configserver1...",
"threadName": "localhost: main",
"timeStamp": 1498488495896,
"level": {"syslogEquivalent": 6},
"loggerName": "dk.itp.managed.service.PPLaunch",
"throwableStrRep": null,
"properties": {},
"message": "Launching configserver1...",
"logger": null,
"throwableInformation": null,
"fqnofLoggerClass": null,
"locationInformation": {
"fullInfo": null,
"className": "?",
"fileName": "?",
"lineNumber": "?",
"methodName": "?"
"propertyKeySet": []

"categoryName": "root",
"ndc": null,
"renderedMessage": "listenURLs changed from null to null, will need to restart.",
"threadName": "localhost: main",
"timeStamp": 1498488495999,
"level": {"syslogEquivalent": 6},
"loggerName": "dk.itp.managed.service.ConfigurationService",
"throwableStrRep": null,
"properties": {},
"message": "listenURLs changed from null to null, will need to restart.",
"logger": null,
"throwableInformation": null,
"fqnofLoggerClass": null,
"locationInformation": {
"fullInfo": null,
"className": "?",
"fileName": "?",
"lineNumber": "?",
"methodName": "?"
"propertyKeySet": []




Required server name


Returns latest accessed URLs for a dispatcher

Example URLS


Output example


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