The components overview allows you to see a graphical overview of running components, and see which components are connected to which other components.
Within this graphical overview, you can see get a quick overview of server components, specifically:
- Applications running with agents and their connections to configuration servers, session controllers and useradmin servers.
- For gateways, you can see their destinations and the status of targets in each destination.
- You can drag components around, zoom in/out using the mouse, or click specific servers to view their status.
- The border around a component reflects its status - it can be green if the component is started, red if stopped and orange if it is starting/stopping etc.
- If the border around a target server is orange, it means that ping / connection failed to it, and it will be show red if the server is disabled and users do not have access to it. Green The green border around a target server means that ping succeeds.
You can place the mouse over a specific server to view details about what failed, e.g. why did the ping request towards it fail.