The "Partners" and "Partner applications" are relevant menu items if you want to create your own applications. If you are a developer working on applications that someone else has created - you can go directly to the menu "My applications" which will show the applications assigned to you as a developer.
On the partner screen you will see your own partners and those that you as a developer have been assigned to by other partner owners. If you are just working on applications owned by others you do not need to create your own partner.
You can double click on a partner "card" or click on the link to the defined applications to see the applications on that particular partner. That will bring you to the "Partner applications" screen.
Partner applications
After choosing a partner on the Partner screen - you will be able to see the applications for the chosen partner. If you click on the menu link "Partner applications" and you only have one partner assigned to you - this partner will be chosen as default. The chosen partner can be seen at the top of the "Partner applications" screen.
The authentication tab also lets you create a new client secret if that is needed as well as adding additional API keys for the application (this is only allowed if you are an owner or a developer on that application - not if you have read only access).
My applications
Going into "My application" will be the standard place for a developer. Here you will see all the applications you are assigned to as a developer - you can filter on the role if needed.
The functionality on this screen in regards to the individual applications, is the same as that on "Partner applications".
My subscriptions
In this screen you will be able to see API's available to your application - this means API's that are available to your partner, one or more versions is not defined as private and is deployed to an environment that your partner has access to.
By clickint "Try API" on the right the swagger API for this API will open, the API key and client secret from the application will be set and you will be able to call the API and test it out.
API Explorer
In the API Explorer you are able to explore the API's available to your chosen partner. The API's available are defined through the administration console and the setting of the individual API's. Contact an API administrator if you are missing an expected API. You will also be able to see if an API is deployed or not.
If the API Developer has written any documentation for an API, you can click on the
action to view it.Profile and sign out
The last two menu items allows you to change your profile information, including your password, as well as deleting your developer profile from the system. If you delete the developer profile from the system you will not be able to manually create a developer again, as your email will be stored in the system as deleted - untill an administrator removes it completely.