Within Ceptor API Gateway, we have these concepts:
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- An API Group is a container for APIs, it is a way of categorizing APIs
- An API exists inside an API Group - one API can contain many API Versions
- A number of Subscription Plans can be associated with an API
- A Subscription Plan contains a set of Rate Limits, which limits the number of requests which can be made by one API Partner Application in a given time period.
- An API Version contains the API Specification, Implementation, Security restrictions and is published to one or more Environments
- You can have as many Environments as you want, e.g. Sandbox, Production, Preproduction or TestOne, TestTwo and TestTree.
- Ceptor API Gateway serves APIs within one or more Environments. When APIs are called, API Usage information is stored for later analysis.
- Ceptor API Gateway authenticates users using the Session Controller which has Authentication Plugins that looks up Partner Applications based upon client IDs, API keys, SSL client certificates or other credentials.
- One API Partner is an organisation or group that has a number of API Partner Applications registered to it.
- An API Partner and its Partner Applications are registered in the API Developer Portal by API Developers who can self-register in the portal.
- An API Profile can be used to specify common settings for a set of APIs, e.g. security settings, or it can limit which element an API Designer is allowed to use.
- An API Designer use Ceptor Console / to author and design APIs.