Ceptor is and provides:
Solution Overview
Ceptor protects access to your applications and APIs - the following shows a typical setup, where Ceptor Gateway is deployed in a DMZ zone, providing secure and authenticated access to applications, sharing a users identity between them.
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API Management
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Ceptor API Management provides the 5 pillars of API Management;
Go in detail here: Ceptor API Management
Access Management
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Ceptor offers many different forms of Access Management, allowing you to tailer the configuration to match your environment and requirements.
You can perform complex authorization decisions using RBAC (Role Based Access Control) or ABAC (Attribute Based Access Control) within either Ceptor Gateway before reaching your applications, or within Ceptor Agent callable from your applications.
Single Sign On (SSO)
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One of the core features within Ceptor, is its ability to offer Single Sign On (SSO) to all applications within simple or complex environments.
You can even federate identity information to or from your partners using either custom methods, or industry standards such as OpenID Connect or SAML WebSSO
Multifactor Authentication
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Ceptor provides Multifactor authentication to your applications.
Adding a new authentication method is as simple as creating an authentication plugin in Ceptor Session Controller and configuring the gateway to use it (or one of your own applications if you prefer to host the authentication interface within your own application) - more info here: Authentication Plugins
And more...
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Besides the functionality mentioned above, Ceptor provides much more, including: