Versions Compared


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shutdown - Shuts the entire server down
jvmdump <servername> - Asks the specified server for a JVM Dump
stop <servername> - Asks the specified server to stop itself
start <servername> - Asks the specified server to start itselflisturls <servername> [...servername] [-onelist]
- Asks the specified dispatcher for its list of recently accessed URLs. If -onelist is specified,
all entries will be concatenated into one list, sorted by date
showwebserverstatus - Lists the status of all dispatcher and their web servers.
Changewebserverstatus changewebserverstatus <dispatchers> <alternateservers> <servers> <unavailable>
- Change the “unavailable” bit on the servers – if true, the servers will be marked as being
unavailable. The dispatcher/alternateservers/servers is a name to match – use the word “all” to
match all servers.
reloadconfiguration - Ask the config server to reload its configuration.
createpdf - Create a PDF report based on the template in the xml and the timestamps given.
<xml template> <pdf filename> <from timestamp> <to timestamp>
deletestatistics <server pattern> <function pattern> [-donotdelete]
- Delete statistics entries for the specified server/functions - use to clean up specific statistics entries. Note that "all" can be used to replace *. if -donotdelete is added, it will only list the entries it would otherwise have deleted.
commitconfiguration - Ask the config server to commit any uncommitted configuration.
rollbackconfiguration - Rollback any uncommitted configuration updates - back to the active configuration.
configdiff - Show differences between active and uncommitted configuration.


Code Block
 * Returns an array of services and their current state.
 * @see Service
public Service[] listServices() throws IOException, AdminException;

 * Pings all servers, returning a list of servers and their status, along with a properties object that the 
 * authentication plugins at all available sessioncontrollers have filled in. The input properties is passed to
 * each authentication plugin which can use the information to determine what to do - e.g. to actively ping backend
 * servers or just return previously cached data.
 * @param properties Passed to authentication plugin
 * @return Ping result with properties from authentication plugins ping methods.
public PingResult ping(Properties properties) throws IOException, AdminException;
 * Read log records from a logserver.
 * @param serverName Name of the logserver to read from
 * @param lastRecord null to read all records, or non-null to start reading from the specified record
 * @see org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent
public LoggingEvent[] getLoggingEvents(String serverName, LoggingEvent lastRecord) throws IOException, AdminException;
 * Returns the servers current status
 * @param serverName Name of server - which must be connected
 * @param action Action or null to get default status
public ServerStatus getServerStatus(String serverName, String action) throws IOException, AdminException;
 * Request a JVM Dump for the specified server or all connected servers<br>
 * Note that if its been less than 30 seconds since the last dump was taken on a JVM, null will be returned,
 * this is to protect the JVM from being flooded with dump requests.
 * @param serverName Server name, or null for all connected servers
 * @return JVM Dump, or null if no dump was made (because a previous dump has been made less than 30 seconds ago)
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws AdminException
public String getJVMDump(String serverName) throws IOException, AdminException ;
 * Returns the available configuration entries - each server/section contains groups which contains properties
 * @throws IOException
public ServerEntry[] getConfigurationEntries() throws IOException, AdminException ;
 * Creates a new server/section entry in the configuration.
 * @param server Server/section name.
 * @param description Description of server
 * @param extend Comma separated list of sections to extend
 * @param type Server type, "abstract" or otherwise
 * @throws IOException 
public void createConfigurationServerEntry(String server, String description, String extend, String type) throws IOException, AdminException ;
 * Updates an existing server/section entry in the configuration.
 * @param server Server/section name.
 * @param description Description of server
 * @param extend Comma separated list of sections to extend
 * @param type Server type, "abstract" or otherwise
 * @throws IOException 
public void updateConfigurationServerEntry(String server, String description, String extend, String type) throws IOException, AdminException ;
 * Deletes an existing server/section from the configuration.
 * @param server Server/section name.
 * @throws IOException 
public void deleteConfigurationServerEntry(String server) throws IOException, AdminException;
 * Creates a new group within a server.
 * @param server Name of server
 * @param group Group name
 * @param description Group description
 * @throws IOException 
public void createConfigurationGroupEntry(String server, String group, String description) throws IOException, AdminException ;
 * Updates an existing groups description.
 * @param server Name of server
 * @param group Group name
 * @param description Description
 * @throws IOException 
public void updateConfigurationGroupEntry(String server, String group, String description) throws IOException, AdminException ;
 * Deletes a group from a server.
 * @param server Name of server
 * @param group Name of group
 * @throws IOException 
public void deleteConfigurationGroupEntry(String server, String group) throws IOException, AdminException ;
 * Creates a new property in a group within a server/section
 * @param server Name of server
 * @param group Name of group
 * @param key property key
 * @param value property value
 * @param description property description
 * @throws IOException 
public void createConfigurationProperty(String server, String group, String key, String value, String description) throws IOException, AdminException ;

 * Úpdates the value or description of a property
 * @param server Name of server
 * @param group Name of group
 * @param key property key
 * @param value property value
 * @param description property description
 * @throws IOException 
public void updateConfigurationProperty(String server, String group, String key, String value, String description) throws IOException, AdminException ;

 * Deletes a property from a group within a server
 * @param server Name of server
 * @param group Name of group
 * @param key Name of property
 * @throws IOException 
public void deleteConfigurationProperty(String server, String group, String key) throws IOException, AdminException ;

 * Returns the remote statistics summary for a given server - the summary contains in-memory data from server startup
 * till now.
 * @param server Server to retrieve summary from
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws AdminException
public StatisticsSummaryData getStatisticsRemoteSummaryData(String server) throws IOException, AdminException ;

 * Gets the stored statistics summary - i.e. what is collected by the statistics server from the given list of
 * servers and functions in the specified time period.
 * @param servers List of server names
 * @param functions List of functions
 * @param start Start time in milliseconds
 * @param end End time in milliseconds
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws AdminException
public StatisticsListData getStatisticsCollectedSummaryData(String[] servers, String[] functions, long start, long end) throws IOException, AdminException ;

 * Gets the stored statistics details - i.e. what is collected by the statistics server from the given list of
 * servers and functions in the specified time period.
 * @param server Server name
 * @param function Function name
 * @param start Start time in milliseconds
 * @param end End time in milliseconds
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws AdminException
public StatisticsListData getStatisticsCollectedDetails(String server, String function, long start, long end) throws IOException, AdminException ;

 * Returns the list of servers that the statistics server has stored statistics for - for each server, you can
 * query the list of functions by calling <code>getStatisticsCollectedFunctions</code>.
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws AdminException
public String[] getStatisticsCollectedServers() throws IOException, AdminException ;

 * Returns the list of servers that the statistics server has stored statistics for - for each server, you can
 * query the list of functions by calling <code>getStatisticsCollectedFunctions</code>.
 * Note that only the servers matching the supplied pattern will be returned.
 * @param pattern Pattern to match servers for
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws AdminException
public String[] getStatisticsMatchingCollectedServers(String pattern) throws IOException, AdminException;

 * Returns the combined list of functions for the specified list of servers that the statistics server currently
 * has statistics stored for.
 * @param servers List of servers
 * @param pattern Pattern functions must match
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws AdminException
public String[] getStatisticsMatchingCollectedFunctions(String[] servers, String pattern) throws IOException, AdminException;
 * Resets/delete statistics for the specified list of servers and functions.
 * If functions is null, all functions for the servers will be deleted.
 * @param servers Servers to delete statistics for
 * @param functions Functions to delete statistics for, or null for all functions
public void resetStatistics(String[] servers, String[] functions) throws IOException, AdminException;

 * Returnes the combined list of functions for the specified list of servers that the statistics server currently
 * has statistics stored for.
 * @param servers List of servers
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws AdminException
public String[] getStatisticsCollectedFunctions(String[] servers) throws IOException, AdminException ;
 * Causes the server to shut down - usually used as part of deployment before upgrading to a newer version.
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws AdminException
public void shutdownServer() throws IOException, AdminException ;

 * Stops the specified server
 * @param serverName Server to stop
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws AdminException
public void stopServer(String serverName) throws IOException, AdminException ;

 * Starts the specified server
 * @param serverName Server to start
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws AdminException
public void startServer(String serverName) throws IOException, AdminException ;

 * Returns list of recently accessed URLs on a dispatcher
 * @param serverName Name of dispatcher to get list from
 * @return List of URL entries
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws AdminException
public URLMemory.Entry[] getRecentAccessedURLs(String serverName) throws IOException, AdminException ;

 * Retrieves the list of dispatchers, their webservers and the status of these web servers
 * @return Array of dispatchers and their webservers along with the status for these webservers
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws AdminException
public WebServerStatus[] getWebServerStatus() throws IOException, AdminException;

 * Changes the unavailable bit on webservers
 * @param dispatcherNames Name of one or more dispatchers - * and ? are valid
 * @param altServerNames Name of one or more alternate servers - * and ? are valid
 * @param serverNames Name of one or more servers - * and ? are valid
 * @param isUnavailable True if the server(s) should be marked as being unavailable, false if not
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws AdminException
public WebServerStatus[] updateWebServerStatus(String dispatcherNames, String altServerNames, String serverNames, boolean isUnavailable) throws IOException, AdminException;

 * Changes the unavailable and unavailable  lean-u isUnavailable) throws IOException, AdminException;
  for new sessions bits on webservers
 * @param dispatcherNames Name of one or more dispatchers - * and ? are valid
 * @param altServerNames Name of one or more alternate servers - * and ? are valid
 * @param serverNames Name of one or more servers - * and ? are valid
 * @param isUnavailable True if the server(s) should be marked as being unavailable, false if not
 * @param isUnavailableForNewSessions True if the server(s) should be marked as being unavailable for new sessions, false if not
 * @return An array of status objects for the servers
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws AdminException
public WebServerStatus[] updateWebServerStatus(String dispatcherNames, String altServerNames, String serverNames, boolean isUnavailable, boolean isUnavailableForNewSessions) throws IOException, AdminException;

 * Returns and instance of the admin client which uses the specified session ID when calling methods - depending on
 * the authenticated user within the session, he does or does not have access to certain methods.
 * @param ppSessionid PortalProtect Session ID
 * @throws ConfigServerException
 * @throws IOException
public static AdminClient getInstance(String ppSessionid) throws ConfigServerException, IOException ;
 * Returns and instance of the admin client which uses the specified userid and credentials - depending on
 * the authenticated user within the session, he does or does not have access to certain methods.
 * @param user Userid
 * @param credentials User credentials
 * @throws ConfigServerException
 * @throws IOException
public static AdminClient getInstance(String user, Object credentials) throws ConfigServerException, IOException ;
 * Set the properties to be used when looking for server name, config server name,
 * and broadcast address. If not set, the system properties will be used as default.
 * @param props The properties to use
public synchronized static final void setProperties(Properties props) ;

 * List all security ACL's in use on a config server 
public Acl[] listSecurityAcl( String serverName ) throws IOException, AdminException ;

 * List all security groups in use on a config server 
public Group[] listSecurityGroups( String serverName ) throws IOException, AdminException ;

 * List all security users (name and description) 
public String[][] listSecurityUsers( String serverName ) throws IOException, AdminException ;

 * Update a security ACL in use on a config server. 
 * <p>
 * A new updated list of ACL's will be returned 
public Acl[] updateSecurityAcls( String serverName, Acl acls[] ) throws IOException, AdminException ;

 * Update a security Group in use on a config server.
 * <p>
 * A new updated list of Group will be returned 
public Group[] updateSecurityGroups( String serverName, Group groups[] ) throws IOException, AdminException ;

 * Update a security user (add or update)
public void updateSecurityUser( String serverName, String name, String password, String description, String[] groups ) throws IOException, AdminException ;

 * Delete a security user 
public void deleteSecurityUser( String serverName, String name ) throws IOException, AdminException ;

 * Reads an individual gateway destination
public String readGatewayDestination(String serverName, String destinationName, boolean isActive) throws IOException, AdminException;

 * Creates or updates an individual gateway destination
public void createOrUpdateGatewayDestination(String serverName, String destinationName, String destination) throws IOException, AdminException;

 * Deletes an individual gateway destination
public void deleteGatewayDestination(String serverName, String destinationName) throws IOException, AdminException;

 * Reads an individual gateway location
public String readGatewayLocation(String serverName, String locationName, String[] parents, boolean isActive);

 * Deletes an individual gateway location
public void deleteGatewayLocation(String serverName, String locationName, String[] parents) throws IOException, AdminException;

 * Creates or updates an individual gateway location
public void createOrUpdateGatewayLocation(String serverName, String locationName, String[] parents, int index, String location) throws IOException, AdminException;

 * List all actions / messages
public List<Config.Action> listActions() throws IOException, AdminException;
 * Creates a new Action
 * @param action Action details
public Config.Action createAction(Config.Action action) throws IOException, AdminException;
 * Updates an Action
 * @param action Action details
public Config.Action updateAction(Config.Action action) throws IOException, AdminException
 * Retrieves a specific Action
 * @param action Action details
public Config.Action getAction(String id) throws IOException, AdminException
 * Remove an Action
 * @param id ID of Action to remove
public void removeAction(String id) throws IOException, AdminException;
