- openapi
An API version described using OpenAPI / Swagger description format - for more information, see the full specification at https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification - Ceptor supports both version 2 and version 3 of the OpenAPI specification - Version 3 is highly recommended since it offers more features. - soap / wsdl
For SOA / SOAP / WSDL services, you can maintain your WSDL within Ceptor and expose it to your clients. - plainhttp
Some services are not that structured or are described in a different format - you can also define these services as plainhttp services within Ceptor - to Ceptor, such a service is published at a particular base URL, and made available there - there is no specification describing the input/output data like when using openapi or wsdl but you can still implement the service directly within Ceptor, or proxy requests to destination servers.